Window Dog Man
2003, earthenware
2005, terra cotta with slip, 11" x 11" x 1"
...going back and forth between two shores, Collection David B. Forer
Sketch Proposal for Music Relief for Diller-Quayle
1989, terra cotta, 8" x 7.5" x 1.25"
Perspective with Pipes
1993, terra cotta, 6" x 6" x 1"
Royalynne Relief
1990, terra cotta, plaster, wax & pigment, 22.25" x 17" x 3.5"
Unknown Family
1991, terra cotta
Collection C. de Lancie
1993, earthenware, 7" x 8" x 2"
collection David A. Kosower
Sun Wheel
1990, terra cotta, 5" x 5" x .375"
from Dante’s Paradiso
Tom Sawyer Plaque
Collection Gale Publishing
1984 Family
2003, terra cotta
Moon Joy
2005, earthenware and terra cotta
Four-legged Woman
1992, terra cotta, 7" x 11" x 4"
Planting a Tree
2003, terra cotta